Catfish Wranglin’ on the San Juan River
by Karen Burke, Native Aquatics Technician
It was a clear, cool day in the Southern Utah desert as we rolled through the dust and dirt to the put-in near the town of Montezuma Creek, Utah. We were to spend four days on the San Juan River electrofishing primarily in search of non-native channel catfish and the native, endangered razorback sucker and Colorado pikeminnow. I was excited and nervous for my first work trip that would also be my first multi-day river trip.
Colorado pikeminnow Photo: John Caldwell UDWR |
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razorback sucker Photo: John Caldwell UDWR |
One challenge to the survival of these native endangered fish species has been habitat alteration and fragmentation in the river system. This has occurred largely due to human influence and infrastructure. For example, dams and diversions trap sediment and nutrients while altering historic flow rates. Channelization along with introduced and now invasive plant species (such as tamarisk and russian olive) alter stream morphology by stabilizing banks and preventing the river from taking its historical, meandering course. This historical stream morphology provided habitat for these fish in backwaters and throughout a large floodplain. Another major cause of native species decline is competition and predation by non-native species, like the channel catfish. Reducing the numbers of non-native fish can be a key step in restoring native fish populations. It is obvious that restoring the native fish populations in the San Juan River will take lots of effort and perhaps some major changes. For now, our crew would be doing our part by catching the wretched channel catfish so that we could estimate their populations and remove them - all in a valiant effort to help our spectacular native fish thrive.
Raft e-fishing on the San Juan Photo: Karen Burke UDWR |
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Karen with channel catfish Photo: Chelsea Gibson UDWR |
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Karen on the "sticks" Photo: Chelsea Gibson UDWR |
The second morning we awoke to a river that took on a reddish-brown complexion. There would be more electrofishing in these muddy waters and my first chance to row the boats. I quickly came to love the feeling of navigating the waters and the excitement of avoiding obstacles. The remaining days on the beautiful San Juan River to the take out at Mexican Hat, Utah quickly floated by as the geology became more fascinating and beautiful and I began to learn the nature of whitewater.
The trip was filled with cute young catfish, heinously disgusting old catfish, and even some of the lovely native fish species. The most memorable catfish of the trip appeared not to have any eyes and had a large bloody lesion on its side. I was a bit horrified. The trip left me dreaming of being surrounded by fewer ugly channel catfish and more native sucker fish and Colorado pikeminnow. These dreams would soon come true on the Green River.